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February 26, 2021

Ready to set up a top-notch Mortarr company profile and get found?


  1. Upload your company name.

  2. Upload a kickass banner image. Click here to learn more about the importance of image quality.

  3. Fill-in your profile's About + Contact Info sections. Check out this article on using your words wisely.

  4. Populate all applicable social media accounts. Why's that important? Here's why!

  5. Fill in Products Offered (Brand) or Areas of Expertise (Professional).

  6. Select "Industries Served."

New Company Profile.png

Now that you’ve created your profile, it’s time to show off your work in a Showroom (Brand) or Project Gallery (Professional).

  1. Create your first Showroom/Project Gallery.

  2. Enter name and description.

  3. Select the industry the Showroom/Project Gallery applies to.

  4. Tag the Professionals you’ve worked with on this project. Tags? Yep, their important. Click here to read why.

  5. Can’t find the Pros you collaborated with on Mortarr? No problem! Tag them and then invite them by hovering over the yellow tag.

  6. Click the “Keep project private” box if you are working on an unfinished Showroom/Project Gallery.

  7. Save the Showroom/Gallery and click “Add Photos.” Here’s a refresher on our photo standards.

  8. Upload the images of your project or products you would like to feature.

  9. Click “Continue” to fill in image descriptions and keywords. Keywords? Yeah, they matter.

full photo view.png

The following steps are key to ensuring your company gets the most out of your Project Galleries or Showrooms. Follow them closely with each image you upload.

  1. Fill in image name (the image name is not visible to the public, so it’s a great place for additional SEO).

  2. Fill in image description.

  3. Select the space that best applies to the image.

  4. Select the products that are a focal point in the image. Good images are key.

  5. Add keywords, keywords, and more keywords.

  6. Tag the Brands you worked with by clicking on the product in the image in “Edit” view. Just like Professional collaborator tags, you can still tag and invite them if they’re not on Mortarr. Tagging is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  7. Click “Next” for the next photo or “Done,” when you’ve finished.

Congrats! You did it! Now get out there and build beautiful business!

Looking for a little intel on how to build a successful company profile on Mortarr? You've come to the right place! Join Lindsey Rogers and Mortarr Customer Success and Insights Director, Sadie Wuerflein, as they build a company profile live. They'll be sharing all of Mortarr's tips and tricks for creating a profile that will rise to the top of the search results on and off of Mortarr. They're saving time for Q&A at the end, so be sure to bring your questions.

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